Terms of Use

The use of SBTpedigree.com is free to browse.

You may only use SBTpedigree.com for your own personal and non-commercial purposes.

You are not allowed to sell services from sbtpedigree.com to third parties. (i.e. You are not allowed to charge for the use of the database on behalf of non-members)

Copyrighted photos may not be used without the explicit permission from owner for any purpose.

You are required to have a paid Membership account to add dogs, and to make changes in the database. To set up an account, you must provide information about yourself and update this information as necessary in order to keep it current.

Upon purchasing a membership you agree to not being eligable for a refund. After a paid membership is registered you have access to the database and hence the information and functions of the purchase is delivered.

Personal data provided by a user to SBTpedigree.com will be used only in connection with services provided on SBTpedigree.com and will not be given to others.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information. Furthermore, you are responsible for all activities that occur in your account and you agree to notify the administrator of SBTpedigree.com immediately of any unauthorized use of your account.

SBTpedigree.com is not responsible for any loss that you may incur as a result of any unauthorized person using your account or your password.

SBTpedigree.com reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to SBTpedigree.com at any time, without notice.

We have instituted a process of change-logs which will allow us to identify and follow up any time a member has modified entries on the site. If it turns out that someone has deliberately altered correct entries or in any way purposely sabotaged entries on the database by adding incorrect information this person will be excluded from the site.

Upon purchasing a membership you agree to not being eligable for a refund. After a membership is registered you have access to the database and hence the information and functions of the purchase is delivered.

IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO SHARE ACCOUNTS. Each account is personal and if this is violated your account will be disabled without notice.

You warrant that you own copyright in any data submitted to us, or that it is information which is in the public domain, and that it does not infringe any existing copyright or any other rights of any third party.

You retain copyright to data you have submitted to SBTpedigree.com. If you submit data then you grant to SBTpedigree.com a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable license to use or modify the data for any purpose including publishing online and print.

SBTpedigree.com may modify the data or combine it with other data. In such an event you agree that SBTpedigree.com owns copyright to the resulting data.

SBTpedigree.com reserves the right not to publish data you submit without being obliged to tell the reasons for this decision.

No data will be deleted from the database unless the information published is proven to be false.

All data is supplied "as is" without any warranty as to its accuracy or completeness and any use of this data is entirely at the users own risk.

SBTpedigree.com provides information about how to use the pedigree database. If you have any questions about SBTpedigree.com or any problems that you would like to report, please email us at: [email protected]

The author is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages - unless he has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the visitors of his site from viewing those pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not the one who has linked to these pages. Furthermore the author is not liable for any postings or messages published by users of discussion boards, guestbooks or mailing-lists provided on his page.

    We only accept dogs with certified pedigrees issued by FCI or any organization outside the FCI with which the FCI has entered into a cooperation agreement, such as AKC, KC, CKC, etc.

    If health clearances (Hips, Elbows, Phpv, L2hga & HC etc) of this dog are not published by an official source you can submit these BEFORE your ad is accepted. (with Level 2 you can upload health documents)

    We will not publish ads where the stud dog has eliminating faults as listed in the International Breeding Rules of the FCI.

    We reserve the right not to accept ads without being obliged to give reasons for this decision.

    The presentation of your advertisement will be as shown in the ads sections. All basic info is retrieved from the database.

    The ads is valid for the period your Level 2 membership is active. When your membership expires - the ad will be removed without further notice to the owner.

    Please keep your contact information updated as any changes that concern your contact data (website, email, phone) will affect your advertisement(s)

    All above mentioned data are strictly the responsibility of the owner who is submitting the information. SBTpedigree is not liable for any wrong, falsified or misleading information as all is published in good faith.

    The right to take legal action is expressly reserved if deliberately wrong information is submitted.

    Admin needs to approve & activate your advertisement after the request is submitted.

    The dogs advertised needs to have a photo uploaded AND needs to have known status for L2hga & HC. All stud dogs needs to have been eye screened for PHPV & PPSC

    SBTpedigree does not allow advertising of mating's between two diluted parents or diluted stud dogs born after one or two diluted parents. (With dilute meaning all variations of blue and fawn)

SBTpedigree.com reserves the right to update or change these Terms of Use at any time. Continued access to, or use of the SBTpedigree.com after any such change shall constitute your consent to such change. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that change or improve the SBTpedigree.com shall be subject to these Terms of Use.